
May 16, 2013 at 5:21 am (Uncategorized) (, , )

Wow it has been a long time since I’ve written anything on here. Since I am on here though, I am going to write a little about my religion. Which isn’t really a religion, in the normal connotation of the word.

Most people assume I am either Agnostic or Atheist. Since I have a rather cynical approach to organized religion and I really don’t voice my opinion otherwise, I can see why this is a common take on me.

As of March 30th, 2013, I announced to my best friend as I mopped the floor in our local Red Mango, which is where I happen to work, that I have established The Church of Krysta (me, obviously). This is a church based on my beliefs. In the Bible, or the Catholic one that I happened to grow up on, the total message of the bible is that if you are good to yourself and others you’ll probably end up in heaven. If I were to summarize the bible in three statements it would be this: 1. Be kind and giving and loving to others. 2. Only God can judge you. 3. Believe in Jesus and God. That’s essentially what I get from my Bible; you may get something else; I respect your opinion, don’t disrespect mine.

So back to the Church of Krysta. Number 3 is not something I believe. I believe you will go to heaven as long as you love others and do God’s work, even if you don’t believe in God. Number 1 and 2 are probably my strongest beliefs around religion. No one has any right to judge me unless it’s God Himself, especially not crazy religious people who think I am going to hell for having sex. I’m not having it. That’s just not the case to me.

I simply believe that kindness and love and generosity and positive things in general are great things to put out in the world. If God doesn’t send you to heaven but sends the guy who was awful his whole life and at the end asked for forgiveness, he’s not my God. That guy is a dick. I don’t want to go to a heaven like that. I’d rather go to hell with all the people who just never believed in him but always were kind. That sounds like a pretty good place, don’t you think?

Anyways. That’s pretty much it. The Church of Krysta is just based on the belief that you should be a good person. The end. Nothing complicated. Just good old- fashioned love and trust. A lot of people belong to my church without even knowing it. There’s no donations necessary, unless you want to help me go to college. I am going to be a genetic engineer.

“What?” you must be saying, “A genetic engineer believes in God? Nonsense.” Well, I’ll tell you how ingenious what I believe is. I believe in Creation and in Evolution. I know, crazy. I believe God started organisms and slowly decided to try new things until he found something interesting that could grow and evolve on their own. It makes perfect sense. Evolution has essentially been proven, as best as you can in the scientific community (you can’t PROVE anything in science, it’s complicated). However, we still don’t know how all these atoms got together and started making babies (how life started). We also don’t know how Sickle Cell or blue eyes or Dwarfism or green eyes or blonde hair or five fingers (six fingers is the dominant trait) or whatever other mutation you can possibly think of showed up. It just did one day, written into our code as though someone wrote it there.

I love science because we don’t have all the answers. That’s why we do what we do. Albert Einstein said that the more he studied the universe, the more believed in a higher power. The same goes for me.

Even if I am wrong about God, I accept anything that happens after death whole-heartedly. I seriously doubt the TV just turns off, as some people say. And even if it does, who gives a shit? Live life to the fullest and do all you want and be all you can be.

I obviously went on some pretty crazy tangents but it at least you get it now. You don’t have to belong to my church, but if you do, know that you don’t have to believe in anything or anyone, just believe that doing the right thing in any situation you are in is always the best thing to do.

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New Beginnings

January 11, 2011 at 2:00 am (Uncategorized)

I originally made this blog to be able to tell my story to the world. The thing is, its not that personal for me. I was attacked many times on this site by people who chose to remain anonymous. It was hard for me to see a thing i had put a lot of ideas into defaced by people who thought they were better than me. I am not going to get into another diatribe about prejudice and the way we treat other people. I just finally decided to blog after these many months about what i originally wanted to blog about.

You see the thing is: I am so happy. I don’t remember being this emotionally sound in a long while. I feel like i know a lot of stuff I never knew before. Sure shit happens that rocks the boat, all the time. But for some reason my already semi-optimistic personality has taken itself to an extreme. I used to get upset over things that I couldn’t control. TO HELL WITH THAT! Why does it even matter? I mean, as the saying goes, no use crying over spilled milk.

There we things in my life that seemed negative to me, and, when i realized that the only reason they were negative was because i was letting them be negative. I was telling myself that I was a victim and that people were monsters. Sure SOME people can be mean but in my last posts, i blamed every sad emotion on people that i thought were causing it. They weren’t even being mean, i was just taking it the wrong way. Instead of being the victim, clean up the glass and the milk and move on, because getting upset over things you cant control isn’t going to get you anywhere.

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October 27, 2010 at 10:11 pm (Uncategorized)

I was watching the Tyra Show and Tyra was talking about girls who are engaged and really want to be married and have kids. The girl on there is 15! That is how old i am! Why would you want to get pregnant and/or married at 15?! You have your whole life ahead of you and you want to lose your opportunity of being a child so you can be what you call a grown up? A grown up is someone who knows when they are doing the right thing. They are mature enough to know the difference between right and wrong. Yet this girl of merely 15 is sitting in this world where it is right to put yourself in a stupid position so she can fill the hole her issues have made.

How stupid do you have to be? What about all the things she wants to do with her life? Does she really think she can accomplish every one of her goals by getting hitched and knocked up? This just is just stupid to me. Tell me if you agree with me on this, or not, whatever. I just don’t understand why you cant at least wait. Why does it have to be done now?

I know I want to do things with my life and i know i want to do them now. But i also know that i will have time to do this and my dreams will be even better if i have to wait and work for my goal. So whether it be getting pregnant or going to Italy, YOU HAVE TIME. You have life left on this earth and you shouldn’t waste it taking care of a baby that you thought would make your life better. You are not mature enough to have a baby at 15 if you think you are. So if you are planning on having a baby as a teenager, don’t. Because you probably cant keep a fish alive much the less a human baby. ~My So Called Simple Life

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August 1, 2010 at 8:59 pm (Uncategorized)

Have you ever noticed how some artists are amazingly smart? Is it because most of them have the talent to keep an open mind while looking at the world? They seem to absorb everything around them. The sounds, the whispers, the people, the world. These few gifted people HAVE to listen to the world or else there would be no spirit in their art. Or maybe its the imagination that gives root to their knowledge; maybe the curiosity imagination turns into is what makes them want to learn.

All i know, is that you can find a good listener in a good artist. Someone who will never judge you. My heroes are artists. That is the kind of person i want to be when i grow up. Someone who can always see beauty in the world and will always keep an open mind. I want to be someone who can understand things even when no one else does. These very talented people give root to modern truth and philosophy.

Artists are not just artists, they are creators. Musicians, sculptures, drawers, painters, and writers are all people who create. They create truth and meaning and symbolism. And the best thing is, youth listen to them. The future of our world is listening to the smartest people in the world! Its a genius!

So, i beg you, go out and LISTEN! Be an artist! Be my hero! Because goodness knows, we NEED smarter people. Here’s to my so called simple life.

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R=peal DADT

July 19, 2010 at 8:23 pm (Uncategorized)

Ok, so I already covered this topic but I’m currently watching an old episode of “Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List” and she hosted a rally to repeal the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy in the military. I think that’s just amazing. In the episode, Kathy talks to a guy who was in the Air force who was discharged for “admitting to homosexuality” when he had told no one, not even his family, that he was gay. He wouldn’t sign the discharge papers and was escorted off the base like a common criminal. This man later discovered that someone had read his PERSONAL EMAILS and that launched an investigation into his sexuality. Can you believe this? Why must we fight two wars at the same time? These people can’t be honest or be themselves because if they come out, the could lose their jobs and their benefits when all they are doing is serving our country like every one of their comrades.

What is so wrong about gays? Why are they treated inferior for loving someone of the same gender. I mean, I know i covered this and I’m repeating myself but i have good reason to. Nothing is truly going to change unless a lot more people speak up about this issue.

So i went to Idaho to visit family and talk to old friends (i lived there until i was 9) and i had no idea the amount of prejudice that state has. Since i lived there during a time before politics and beliefs were truly discussed, i was isolated in the belief that my friends thought about equality the same way i do. Now that i go back there several times a year, I discovered that my best friend is racist and slightly homophobic. It just shocked me that she could think that way. I also talked to a boy who acted like it was a big deal to have a good friend who is gay. And then i realized that was the norm for where i lived. I guess i never believed that red on the map when the election came around really meant as Republic/Conservative as it was saying.

This whole thing on equality is a big deal to me because i was taught to believe everyone IS equal. You can’t “catch gay” as some politicians make it seem in their blind ignorance and if you believe in what i believe, please just spread the word. You can even contact your local senator because it is their JOB to listen to what you have to say. Don’t be a hater if this seems stupid to you because I don’t hate or disrespect what YOU believe…. Thank you.

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July 15, 2010 at 6:19 pm (Uncategorized)

Have you ever noticed how odd dreams are?They are a wonderful key into your heart of hearts and your soul of souls. your mind grabs random thoughts and pushes them into a story (at least its a story for me). The idea of mind is so fascinating to me. Your beautiful, dark, disgusting, pure, happy, sad subconscious talks to you through your thoughts and your dreams. Just wonderful.
What about a different kind of dream? What about the things you want to do? The person you want to be? There’s all these future questions that are VERY hard to answer, because you never know what is REALLY going to happen next. This stuff is so cool! I know that sounds crazy but it is. The fact that you CAN dream, CAN think, CAN have your own opinion is just amazing. Think of it like riding a plane: You may hate flying and see it as something you just have to do and deal with and it isn’t that amazing but have you ever thought to ponder the fact that you are floating above the ground going 300mph across the sky? I bet you haven’t. We take so many things for granted in this day and age. We are just handed whatever we ask for, no questions asked. I know this girl, that, when shown a record, said, “How does that fit in the CD player?” She is 14 and she doesn’t know what a record is.
The point I am trying to make is that you have all these amazing dreams but do you ever wonder where they came from? What made you think of this? What made you miss that person that you barely knew? What were the amazing events that led up to a great idea? What kind of person are you? What made you, you? Where does the best experience of your life stop and end? Just think about it. Here’s to my so called simple life.

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June 28, 2010 at 8:38 pm (Uncategorized)

Grr… I am so fed up with all the bull I am constantly fed. I love you this, I love you that, I like you a lot: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. People are just plain mean. I know I am not the easiest person to like (that’s an understatement) but don’t feed me crap. The frustrating thing is that i constantly feel judged. What gives people the right to sit there and treat me like I am stupid and I do not know a thing about the world just because I am young or i act too naive when they do not even know me. At least i try to keep an open mind even if I am angry or do not agree with something someone said. A girl yelled at me and I still gave her boyfriend her number when he lost all his contacts. I know I am acting like I am righteous but sometimes I really feel like i am. Why do people treat people like they are better? I am doing it right now and I think its totally not ok (I know, I am an awful hypocrite). What gives us the right! Cruelty is not something people should be proud of. And yet a lot of us are. Men will tell women they love us just to try and get in our pants. Women will manipulate men to love us so they will not leave or hurt us (women are very good at doing this). And let us not forget the pettiness both men and women have towards their own gender (boys are just as bad as girls when it comes to drama). No one likes to get hurt so we hurt other people to make ourselves feel superior. Its simply ironic. Oh well. Here’s to my so called simple life….

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My Blog

June 28, 2010 at 7:56 pm (Uncategorized)

I’d like to apologize for the way i have come across when writing. I know i sound uneducated and young but maybe that’s because I am. There has been a lot of comments on how retarded I sound because I do not educate myself on these issues and I am saying the same things everyone else says. Well, I really do not know what to say. I really do try to educate myself before hand and I am sorry for the mistakes I make from typing too fast and not thinking things through. There has been many comments on my “Rights” post from people who are “pretty sure” there is some passage somewhere about homosexuality being wrong. It has been brought to my attention that there is a passage about men having sex with other men is wrong. I have read this passage and i have interpreted it in my own way but if you would like to read the passage it is Romans 1:27 (the info i received is credited to a person who comments by the name of “BP”). In the end, I am sorry if you feel my blog is ridiculous and retarded but I am untitled to freedom of speech due to my first amendment rights. If you do not like my blog then just do not read it. If you insist on reading it then I am ok with you being a martyr. I should not have to apologize for giving my opinion so forgive me that i do not. Thankyou

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June 23, 2010 at 8:43 pm (Uncategorized)

The world seems to spin around on its prejudice and scapegoating. But what is the stereotype that the U.S. likes to use more than any other country? It is not just racism in this country: you can be judged on whom you love. In the country where everyone is supposed to be equal, we are just as evil and awful as the next. One of the biggest debated subjects in the U.S. today is gay marriage. Too many ignorant people believe that it is a choice to be gay. So, tell me, would you CHOOSE to get beat up by idiots that think of you as a different than them? Would you CHOOSE to get stared at and discriminated every time you walk outside? I am pretty sure no one can CHOOSE who they love and the fact that someone would think these people parade around just randomly deciding they love someone of the same sex is just plain ridiculous. Did you know the military frowns upon gays in it? There is a big “don’t ask don’t tell” policy. Even if you are a homophobe, what does it matter to you if someone gets married? People shouldn’t have to live in fear of their peers because the are different. Nowhere in the bible have i ever heard or read it that gays should burn in hell and are abominations. You may have heard someone say it does but have you ever read it? Give me the exact verse it states that gays can’t marry and I will say I am wrong. Diversity and adversity is what defines us as Americans where we are allowed to be different. But why must men and women be shunned due to the fact they are just as diverse and strong as the next person but just in a different way. Why must they be treated inferior because they are better examples of Americans than either you or I. It should not be just gays fighting for their rights, there should be more straight people (like me) fighting for them too. Did the guy who created The Pill know that he had just started the biggest Women’s Rights movement ever? If a man started the Women’s Rights movement of the 20th century, why can’t a heterosexual help in the fight for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-gender) Rights in the 21st century? Everyone deserves to marry the person they love so why can’t they? Freedom is something that Americans cherish in this country, including being free to marry who we wish as long as they are a different sex. This country is not ruled by religion and yet THIS law is. If not in the eyes of God can these people get married they should at least be allowed in the eyes of the law.

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Oil Spill

June 22, 2010 at 3:52 am (Uncategorized)

Ok. Am i the only one out there who thinks this whole dealio with the oil spill is ridiculous? Of course I’m not. This stupid oil company never came up with an idea for if there was a spill in the first place… apparently they STARTED to execute a plan like a month ago.. Didn’t this whole spill thing start in April? They sat there and just came up with ideas for the first month.. BP is the dumbest company in the country right now. They caused the biggest oil spill in the country because of poor planning. BP is so retarded that they have to resort to asking the general public for help. The more money and power you have it seems the dumber you get. Just because you are a golden child doesn’t mean you are allowed to be stupid; in fact, it means the exact opposite. You should be smarter with those PhD’s in business. Didn’t the Titanic teach you anything? just because you’re sure nothing will fail doesn’t mean it won’t. And what about those people losing their jobs over this thing. Hundreds-thousands of fisherman are going to be out on the streets due to the oil. All those fish are DEAD (or with abnormal body shapes and parts) because of how stupid that company is. So lets not plan for something that could kill all this marine life, lose people their jobs (in this economy nonetheless) and contaminate the ocean even more. Seriously BP, get your job done like you are supposed to! As if the oceans aren’t in enough danger. Fish is one of the best things for your body: good for your heart and your skin and it gives you all this energy from the protein but pregnant women aren’t supposed to eat them. Why? Because all those plastic bags and water-bottles you use go into the ocean and the fish eat the little particles that that plastic turned into. Not to mention all the mercury and waste that’s been put in the ocean (maybe like: Hmm.. i don’t know… OIL!). Needless to say: You Suck BP! Oil Spill at the Mouth of the Mississippi This is a Picture of the Mississippi River where the oil has started to go up stream.

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